Assume we have a statement:
The electric field $E$ cannot form closed loops
I am trying to prove/disprove this claim.
The conditions for a closed loop is:
$$\oint_CE\cdot dl=0$$
Using stokes theorem:
$$\iint_S(\nabla\times E)\cdot\hat n\;dS=\oint_CE\cdot dl\quad\rightarrow\quad\nabla\times E=0$$
So my solution is that the electric field forms closed loops when we have a conservative field.
However in the solution it says that:
The electric field $E$ cannot form closed loops
- False
- If $\nabla\cdot E=0$ everywhere and $\nabla\times E=-\dfrac{\partial B}{\partial t}\ne0$ the field lines will be closed loop (i.e. this is non-conservative field)
Its says electric field forms closed loops when we have a non-conservative field.
Can anyone point out where I went wrong?
My question is why must there be a non-conservative field for there to be closed loop.