I'm trying understand how to rotate Dirac fields to absorb complex phases in masses. I have a few related questions:
With Weyl spinors, I understand, $$ \mathcal{L} = \text{kinetic} + |M|e^{i\theta}\xi\chi + \textrm{h.c.} $$ The phase removed by separate left- and right-handed rotations, e.g. $\xi \to e^{-i\theta/2}\xi$ and $\chi \to e^{-i\theta/2}\chi$. These phases cancel in the kinetic terms.
Is it correct that with Dirac spinors, $$ \mathcal{L} = \bar\psi |M|e^{i\theta\gamma_5} \psi = \text{Re}(M)\bar\psi\psi +i\text{Im}(M)\bar\psi\gamma_5\psi $$ and the phase is removed by $\psi \to e^{-i\theta\gamma_5/2}\psi$? The appearance of the $\gamma_5$ in the phase troubles me a little - I suppose this is telling us that Weyl spinors are a more suitable basis than Dirac spinors?
If the field is Majorana, $\xi = \chi$, and the field can still absorb a phase? I think I must be making a trivial mistake.
For example, Majorana neutrino fields cannot absorb phases, leading to extra CP violation.
And in SUSY, the gaugino Majorana soft-breaking masses are e.g. $M_1e^{i\theta}$. Can their phases be re-absorbed via a field redefinition? I don't think they can. So I must have a mistake.