
[PS: Not a science student beyond high school]

Hi, I was reading a book on the debates surrounding interpretations of quantum mechanics (link) and it discussed how the solution to Einstein's Light-box experiment was solved by Bohr by relying on the uncertainty of measuring time in a gravitational field.

  1. What if the light-box is put in a rocketship? That way it's only an accelerated frame of reference, that way the gravitational time dilation wouldn't take place
  2. Doesn't this solution to the thought experiment indirectly assume a unified field theory?

The book says that upon Bohr's death the last thing on his blackboard was him trying to work out another solution to the light-box, which makes me wonder if he also wasn't satisfied with his solution.

EDIT: I wrote this question under the assumption that the time dilation is uniform across the length of a rocketship.


1 Answer 1


If we placed the thought experiment in an accelerated frame of reference we would obtain the same result. So putting the box in a rocket ship does not change Bohr’s argument. This is a consequence of the equivalence principle, which simply states that gravitational acceleration due to a massive body is indistinguishable from acceleration.

  • $\begingroup$ Ah, I thought the equivalence principle only applied to classical properties such as momentum etc *and that time dilation is non-uniform only in a gravitational field. I didn't realize that time dilation is not uniform even inside a rocketship. (edited my reply for clarity) $\endgroup$
    – Leafy
    Commented Jul 18, 2021 at 12:27

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