Consider this problem:
A high-speed train is traveling at a constant 150 m/s (about 300 mph) on a straight horizontal track across the south pole. Find the angle between a plumb line suspended from the ceiling inside the train and another inside a hut on the ground. In what direction is the plumb line on the train deflected?
I'm positively perplexed by it. I think that what we're looking for is a relationship $\tan(\theta)=\frac{a_n}{a_t}$, because for the plumb line in the hut $a_t=1$ but not for the plumb line in the train due to the Coriolis force.
- What is the frame of reference here? Is it rotating, fixed so that the train is standing still? Is it rotating with the earth?
- Since the train is on the south pole, isn't that the same to say that the earth's rotation doesn't affect it?
- Can you show me how to get the right answer? The right answer is supposed to be 0.13 degrees. In which direction?