Firstly, the logarithm needn't necessarily be to base 2. Changing the base just introduces a (scale) factor, so log10, log2 and ln are all equally useful. Log2 is convenient for people working with binary systems.
Let's deconstruct the formula. I will define entropy to be $H = E[-\log(p)]$. You can see that this will reduce to a weighted average which precisely reproduces your formula.
Now for the crucial question of why $-\log(p)$ is the amount of information encoded by an event whose probability of occurrence is $p$. Consider any notation/language system with strings -- these could be bit-strings, or decimal, or even the English alphabet with 26 letters (in general, say $k$ symbols). If you consider strings of length $n$, you can cover $k^n$ possible "words". If the information in your event was coded into one of these words, then you would need $k$ alphabets to convey the information i.e. for an event whose probability is $\frac{1}{k^n}$, you need words of length $n$ if you consider a language with $k$ alphabets. This explains why the amount of information encoded in an event is propotional to the logarithm of it's probability.
So, given a random variable, the average/expected amount of information present in realizations of that variable will be $E[-\log(p)]$ where $p$ gives the probability distribution of your random variable.
If you had a (discrete) uniformly distributed random variable (say N possibilities, each with equal probability), then you can compute the Shannon entropy to be $\log(N)$ which is precisely the Boltzmann formula of entropy in the microcanonical ensemble. The Shannon entropy quantifies the disorder in a similar sense. It quantifies a weighted average of the number of possible realizations, in some sense. The more these are, the more disordered the random variable is. An important underlying concept is that information is complementary/dual to entropy/disorder.