In lecture 9 of this series of lectures, Professor Frederic Schuller (around time 24:00) is trying to answer the question about the possibility to interpret newtonian gravity as a three-dimensional space curvature in order to write Newton's second law in the form of an auto-parallel equation:
$$m \ddot{x}^i(t) = - m g^i(x(t)) \tag{1}$$
$$g^i(x(t)) \stackrel{?}{=} \Gamma^{i}_{jk}(x(t))\dot{x}^j(t)\dot{x}^k(t) \tag{2}$$
where the latin indices run over $1,2,3$.
However, Professor Schuller states that one cannot find "$\Gamma$'s" in order to make equation (2) true, because of the fact that the Gamma symbols are functions of position $x(t)$ only, and due to the presence of the velocity terms in (2)'s RHS. I have already seen this Phys. SE post, but the answers do not satisfied me.I simply can't understand the Professor's argument.
If I assume the classical example of a particle in a constant radius $R$ orbit about a fixed point mass $M$ localized in the Origin of $xy$-plane such that its trajectory is given by
$$x(t) = (R\cos t, R\sin t,0 ) \tag{3}$$
$$ g^i (x(t)) = \frac{GM}{||x(t)||^3} x^i(t)= \frac{GM}{R^3} x^i(t) \tag{4}$$
where $t \in [0,2\pi]$, for instance.
In this case I can, for example, take the 2nd component of gravitational field:
$$ g^2(x(t)) = \frac{GM}{R^2} \sin t\tag{5}$$
and try to write this in the form of eq. (2):
$$ g^2(x(t)) \stackrel{?}{=} \Gamma^2_{jk} (x(t)) \dot{x}^j(t) \dot{x}^k(t) \tag{6}$$
I could make
$$ \Gamma^2 _{11}(x(t)) = \frac{GM/R^3}{x^2(t)} = \frac{GM}{R^4 \sin t} \tag{7}$$
and make all the other Gammas $\Gamma ^2 _{jk}$ vanish, such that
$$\Gamma^2 _{11}(x(t)) \dot{x}^1(t) \dot{x}^1(t) = \frac{GM}{R^2 \sin t} \sin^2 t = \frac{GM}{R^2} \sin t =g^2(x(t))$$
What are my mistakes and what is the right way to think about this problem?