I'm trying to compute uncertainty for the density of the ball.
I measured its radius 6 times, so I was able to compute the stastistical uncertainty (we call it uncertainty type A, I don't know, if that's common used designation) and I knew accuracy of the micrometer, so I got standatd uncertainty (we call it Type B uncertainty) and made combined uncertainty, which is $4.3 \cdot 10^{-6}~m$.
Then I measured the weight of the ball, but only once and computed standard uncertainty (type B) as $0,29 \cdot 10^{-4}~g$.
Now I have this formula for the density: $\rho = \frac {m}{V} = \frac {m}{\frac 43 \pi r^3}$ and I need to find a way how to express uncertainty of this quantity.
Does anybody know how to do that?