Concerning this recent news from CERN:
CERN data on ‘beauty quarks’ behaviour may rewrite physics as we know it (TRT World, 24 March 2021)
My son and I (now 13yo) have been doing home based weighing and measuring experiments since he moved up to middle school in 2019. The idea of doing 'Physics' and experiments had captured his imagination so we started with pendulums and moved onto 'raspberry pi' based electronic weighing circuits in order to gain values for 'small g'. We found the data we gathered (see here) displayed a strong what turned out to be a tidal 'signal'. I then read that CERN suffered from a similar problem at the LHC presumably due to Lake Geneva.
My question is this: We calculated from our results and additional theories that we were witnessing a 353.7 (average) year figure for the tidal cycle (as a sub cycle of an 18.6 year full cycle) and that the 365.2 day solar cycle had little if nothing to do with our results even during the perihelion event usually in January each year. Could the issues that they are encountering concerning the decay of Muons (which I know little to nothing about, having only completed a level 3 course in Quantum Mechanics with the OU here in the UK, quite a few years ago) at CERN be more to do with their choice of year figure?