Thanks to Eric David Kramer answer I edited my question.
Let Lisa and Milhouse be two observer in rest relative to each other on a uniform rotating frame with angular velocity $\omega$. Let us suppose that they want to synchronize their clocks according to the principles of Einstein synchronization, i.e., by exchanging light signals. Lisa, at point $A$, noting that her clock registers $t_{A}$, fires a laser beam at Milhouse, her "next door neighbor"' in the counterclockwise direction, who is stationed at point $B$. At $t_{B}$, he receives and reflects the beam back to her; she receives the signal at $t_{A}^{\prime} .$ Lisa sends Milhouse a slip of paper upon which is written the value of $\left(t_{A}^{\prime}+t_{A}\right) / 2$, with instructions that his clock should have had that reading at $t_{B}$. Milhouse adjusts his clock accordingly. This procedure is followed from observer to observer around the ring, and we imagine the limit of an infinite number of observers with infinitesimal separation.
Suppose we have a inertial observer $I$ at the center of the disk using cylindrical coordinates $(t,r,\theta,z)$
Let us denote the event Liza sends light to Milhouse by $e_1$, the event reception of light by Milhouse by $e_2$ and the event reception of light by Lisa $e_3$.We denote their respective coordinates by $x_1,x_2,x_3$
Suppose that in the disk Milhouse and Liza are in the same radius $R$ and Milhouse is shifted from through an angle $\Delta \theta=\theta_0$. If $x_1=(0,R,0,0)$ we can show that $$t_2=\frac{R}{c} \frac{\theta_0}{1+v / c} \quad \quad t_{3}=2 \frac{R}{c} \frac{\theta_0}{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}$$
where $v=\omega R$
Due to the time dilation of Lisa's clock with respect to the Lab system, Lisa's clock will read $\tau_{3}=t_{3} / \gamma$ at event $e_3$ where $\gamma \equiv 1 / \sqrt{1-v^{2} / c^{2}}$, or $\tau_{3}=2(R / c) \gamma \omega_0$. According to the prescription for Einstein synchronization, Milhouse at $\theta_0$, will be given instructions to adjust her clock so that it would have read clock setting at event $e_2=\left(\tau_{3}+\tau_{1}\right) / 2=\tau_{3} / 2=(R / c) \gamma \theta_0$
Now if we take $\theta_0=2\pi$ we would have
$$\tau_{3} / 2=2\pi(R / c) \gamma \tag 1$$
According to Milhouse event $e_2$ happens at proper time $\tau_2=2\pi(R / c) \gamma $ and according to Liza $\tau_2= \frac{R}{\gamma c} \frac{2\pi}{1+v / c}$
So we have two synchronized clocks that gives the same event different times. Because of this, people often says that is impossible to synchronize the clocks along the ring globally.
I am confused about this because since Liza and Milhouse are in the same place, isn't this not a coordinate issue because we are attributing the same event to different values namely $\theta_0=0$ and $\theta_0=2\pi$ ?