Let's say there is a car which is at rest on a banked track. The angle of banking is $\theta$ and coefficient of static friction between car's tyres and the track is $tan\theta$. Since coefficient of static friction is $tan\theta$, the car can just stay there on the track without sliding down the slope of the banked track.
I was trying to analyse this situation and from my understanding, the car can stay on the track alright, but it can't start moving. Because its tyres are already using the maximum available static friction to keep them from sliding down the slope of the banked track. If the car has to start moving, it will require more friction to accelerate itself from its state of rest. But since the tyres have already used up the maximum available static friction, I don't think the car should be able to accelerate without its tyres going into a skid.
Is my analysis of this situation correct? Thank you