Let us suppose to deal with a finite number of material points in Minkowski spacetime. Assume that
(a) the interactions in your set of material points are localized at single (generally multiple) events, say vertices, in spacetime, where many wordlines meet (the number of incoming lines may be different of the number of outgoing lines);
(b) the world lines are causal future-oriented godesics outside the vertices;
(c) at each vertex the entering total 4-momentum equals the exiting total 4-momentum,
the total 4-momentum $P^\mu$ computed just by adding the 4-momenta localized at different places on a flat spacelike section crossing the worldlines does not depend on the section (the adopted inertial reference frame) and also on time. In this case there is a notion of total 4-momentum and total mass $M^2 = -P_\mu P^\mu$ independent of the inertial reference frame.
Notice that we can add vectors applied to different points in Minkowski spacetime because that spacetime is an affine space
The problems arise in curved spacetime or when, in Minkowski spacetime, the interactions are not localized, i.e., the worldlines outside the vertices are not geodesics. In this case, in Minkowki spacetime, these interactions have to be taken into account with a suitable stress energy tensor $T^{\mu\nu}$ -- which includes both the material points and the interactions -- and a constant total invariant mass $M$ can be defined provided the fields describing the interactions vanish sufficiently fast at spatial infinity. In this case, $$P^\mu := \int_\Sigma T^{\mu\nu} n_\nu d\nu_\Sigma$$ and $$M^2 = -P_\mu P^\mu\:.$$
In this case the mass is not just the sum of the masses of the points but it also includes a contribution of the interactions.