The symmetry of basis vectors leads to the property that the Christoffel symbols are symmetric with respect to the bottom indices (Ref: Mathematical methods for Physicists by Arfken, Weber and Harris). (Γij = Γji). The symmetry of basis vectors is a property based on geometry of space.
(A flat space supports this geometrical property.)
This property is used in the derivation of the Christoffel symbols formula. The formula therefore becomes dependent upon geometry of space.
Therefore, is it possible to get a non-zero value for the Torsion tensor, (Tij = Γji - Γij)?
Is it possible to derive a Christoffel symbol formula which is not symmetric, so that the Torsion tensor is non-zero? What will be the associated coordinate system and geometrical picture?
What I wish to know is the "Geometrical Picture" behind a non-zero torsion tensor. What will be the non-symmtric Christoffel symbol formula to obtain it? How this formula can be derived from geometry of space?