I am working on modeling a permanent magnet using finite element analysis.* The magnet in question is a neodymium cylinder 1 cm in diameter, and 5 cm in length.
The program uses the equation
$$ \vec{B} = \mu_0 \mu_{rec} \vec{H} + \vec{B}_r $$
to define the field caused by the permanent magnet, where $\mu_{rec}$ is the recoil permeability, and $\vec{B}_r$ is the remanent flux density.
It is my job to input values for $\mu_{rec}$ as well as the magnitude and direction of $\vec{B}_r$. I have a gaussmeter (i.e. a device that measures the $B$-field) and the magnet. Can I use this to determine $\mu_{rec}$ and $\vec{B}_r$, and if so how?
Toward a solution, I know that the magnetic field may also be expressed as
$$ \vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{H}+ \mu_0\vec{M} $$ where $\vec{M}$ is the magnetization vector. Thus,
$$ \mu_0 \vec{H}+ \mu_0\vec{M} = \mu_0 \mu_{rec} \vec{H} + \vec{B}_r. $$
This makes me think that $\vec{B}_r = \mu_0 \vec{M} $... but if so, I don't understand what the $\mu_{rec}$ is doing hanging out down there. Please help!
*COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6, Magnetic Fields module, if you're curious. Here is a screenshot