I'm reading Tinhkam's Superconductivity book and I'm not able to understand how he ended up with Eq. 3.97.
He started with a Hamiltonian $H=\frac{ie\hbar}{m} \sum \limits_i \vec{A} \nabla_i $, used the fourier transform of the vector potential $\vec{A}$, i.e. $\vec{A(\vec{r})}=\sum \limits_{\vec{q}} \vec{a\left(\vec{q}\right)} e^{i\vec{q}\vec{r}}$ and he ended up with Eq. 3.97:
$$H=\frac{-e\hbar}{m} \sum_{\vec{k},\vec{q}} \vec{k} \, \vec{a\left(\vec{q}\right)} c_{\vec{k}+\vec{q}}^{\dagger} c_{\vec{k}}$$
I know that a single particle operator $ \Omega_i$ in second quantization can be written in the following form: $$\sum_i \Omega_i= \sum_{k,k^{'}} \langle k^{'}| \Omega |k \rangle \, c_{k^{'}}^{\dagger}c_{k} = \sum_{k,q} \langle k+q| \Omega |k \rangle c_{k+q}^{\dagger}c_{k}$$ where the summation with respect to i runs over all the particles. This is probably used here, but I don't see from where the $\vec{k}$ is coming from, how he got rid of the exponential factor and the bra and ket ...