I am getting stuck in a really easy problem in Statistical Mechanics that involves elastic collisions, it is really very shameful that I am getting stuck at such a simple thing, but from:
$$\|\vec{v_1}\|^2 +\|\vec{v_2}\|^2 = \|\vec{u_1}\|^2 +\|\vec{u_2}\|^2$$ and $$\vec{v_1}+\vec{v_2} = \vec{u_1} + \vec{u_2}$$
How can I get $$\|\vec{v_2}-\vec{v_1}\|=\|\vec{u_2}-\vec{u_1}\|$$
I tried completing the square in the first equation like:
$$\vec{v_1}\cdot\vec{v_1} +\vec{v_2}\cdot\vec{v_2} -2\vec{v_1}\cdot\vec{v_2}= (\vec{v_2}-\vec{v_1})\cdot(\vec{v_2}-\vec{v_1})=\|\vec{v_2}-\vec{v_1}\|^2= \vec{u_1}\cdot\vec{u_1} +\vec{u_2}\cdot\vec{u_2} -2\vec{v_1}\cdot\vec{v_2}$$
and then using the second equation to get:
$$=\vec{u_1}\cdot\vec{u_1} +\vec{u_2}\cdot\vec{u_2} -2\vec{v_1}\cdot(\vec{u_1}+\vec{u_2}-\vec{v_1})$$
but I cannot seem to be able to simplify this to $$\vec{u_1}\cdot\vec{u_1} +\vec{u_2}\cdot\vec{u_2} -2\vec{u_1}\cdot\vec{u_2} = \|\vec{u_2}-\vec{u_1}\|^2$$
Can someone help me with this? I am sure it is quite simple, but since I am stuck I am losing way too much time on this.