So I have this exercise: A hot water pipe consists of a copper tube of length $L = 1$ m, of thermal conductivity $\lambda_{1} = 380$, has an internal radius of $R_{1} = 6\cdot10^{-3}$ m and an external radius of $R_{2} = 7\cdot10^{-3}$ m. Using an insulating material of thermal conductivity $\lambda_{2} = 0.1$, a coaxial sheath with an internal radius $R_{2}$ and an external radius $R_{3} = 8\cdot10^{-3}$ is produced. The temperature of the internal wall is $T_{1} = 80ºC$ and the temperature of the ambient air is $T_{2} = 20ºC$. $h = 10$ is the heat transfer coefficient by convection at the outer surface of the insulator (or of the copper tube in the absence of insulation)."
I had to calculate the heat loss per meter of a pipe. First of the uninsulated pipe, and then of the pipe with a coaxial sheath of an insulating material.
The resistance of the copper can be neglected so we get this expression for the total resistance:
$R_{T} = \frac{ln(\frac{R_{3}}{R_{2}})}{2\pi\lambda_{2}L} + \frac{1}{2\pi hR_{3}L} = 2.2$
When there's no insulator we just have the second term (due to convection):
$R_{T} = \frac{1}{2\pi hR_{2}L} = 2.27$
Then to calculate the heat loss we just simply do:
$\phi = \frac{(80 - 20)}{R_{T}} = 27.3$ for the insulated pipe
$\phi = \frac{(80 - 20)}{R_{T}} = 26.4$ for the uninsulated pipe
How is it possible that I get a greater heat loss when the pipe is insulated than when it isn't?