I drop the constant and focus on the integral, also the prime sign:
= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} dz
\int_0^{2\pi} d\phi
\int_0^a r dr
\frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + r^2 - 2xr\cos\phi + z^2}}
The integral is divergent. To remove the divergence is to change the reference point of the potential from $x=\infty$ to $x=0$. Thus, I will change the integrand back to an integration form, and change the lower limit, which only change an infinite constant to the potential.
\frac{1}{\sqrt{x^2 + r^2 - 2xr\cos\phi + z^2}} =- \int^x_\infty d\xi \frac{\xi - r\cos \phi}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi + z^2\right)^{3/2}}\\
\to -\int^x_0 d\xi \frac{\xi - r\cos \phi}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi + z^2\right)^{3/2}}
The new potential from:
\Phi(\mathbf{x}) = -\int^x_0 d\xi \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \int_0^a rdr\int_{-\infty}^\infty dz \frac{\xi - r\cos \phi}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi + z^2\right)^{3/2}}\\
= -\int^x_0 d\xi \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \int_0^a rdr \frac{2(\xi - r\cos \phi)}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi\right)} \to I_1 - I_2
The integral of $z$ can be carried out by triangular substitution. Next, I will try to integrate over $\phi$, by complex contour integral in the unit circle. Details refer to the appendixes in the bottom.
I_1 = 2\xi \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \frac{1}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi\right)} = \frac{4\pi\xi}{r_>^2-r_<^2}
I_2 = 2 r \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \frac{\cos\phi}{\left(\xi^2 + r^2 - 2\xi r\cos\phi\right)} =\frac{4\pi r}{r_>^2-r_<^2} \frac{r_<}{r_>}
The above integral is done by change $Z = e^{i\phi}$ and turn the integral into a closed contour integral on the unit circle. $r_>$ is the larger one between $r$ and $\xi$, $r_<$ the smaller one.
\Phi(\mathbf{x}) =- 4 \pi \int^x_0 d\xi \int_0^a rdr \left[ \xi - r\frac{r_<}{r_>} \right] \frac{1}{r_>^2-r_<^2}
For $x < a$ :
\Phi(\mathbf{x}) =- 4 \pi \int^x_0 d\xi \left\{\int_0^\xi rdr \left[ \xi - r\frac{r}{\xi} \right] \frac{1}{\xi^2-r^2} + \int_\xi^a rdr \left[ \xi - r\frac{\xi}{r} \right] \frac{1}{r^2-\xi^2} \right\} \\
=- 4 \pi \int^x_0 d\xi \left\{\int_0^\xi rdr \frac{1}{\xi} + 0 \right\} =- 2 \pi \int^x_0 \xi d \xi = -\pi x^2
For $x > a$ :
\Phi(\mathbf{x}) =- 4 \pi \int^a_0 rdr \left\{\int_0^r d\xi \left[ \xi - r\frac{\xi}{r} \right] \frac{1}{r^2-\xi^2} + \int_r^x d\xi \left[ \xi - r\frac{r}{\xi} \right] \frac{1}{\xi^2-r^2} \right\} \\
=- 4 \pi \int^a_0 rdr \left\{ 0 + \int_r^x d\xi \frac{1}{\xi} \right\}\\
=- \pi a^2 \left( 2 \ln x - 2 \ln a + 1 \right).
A first quick check of the result is the continuity of the potential as $x = a$, where both forms render $\Phi(a) = -\pi a^2$.
Appendix A
For $0< b < 1$ the complete integral over angle $\phi$:
I_1 = \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \frac{1}{\left(1 + b^2 - 2b \cos\phi\right)} = \frac{2\pi}{1-b^2}
Let $Z = e^{i\phi}$, hence $d\phi= -i \frac{dZ}{Z}$. Write $I_1$ as
I_1 = -i \oint_{unit- circle} \frac{dZ}{Z \left(1 + b^2 \right) - b \left( Z^2 + 1 \right)} = + \frac{i}{b} \oint_{unit- circle} \frac{dZ}{(Z-b)(Z-\frac{1}{b})} \\
= \frac{-2\pi}{b} Res(b) = \frac{-2\pi}{b} \frac{1}{b-\frac{1}{b}} = \frac{2\pi}{1-b^2}
Appendix B
For $0< b < 1$ the complete integral over angle $\phi$:
I_2 = \int^{2\pi}_0 d\phi \frac{\cos\phi}{\left(1 + b^2 - 2b \cos\phi\right)} = \frac{2\pi b}{1 -b^2}
Let $Z = e^{i\phi}$:
I_2 = \frac{i}{2b} \oint_{unit- circle} \frac{Z^2 + 1}{(Z-b)(Z-\frac{1}{b})} \frac{dZ}{Z}\\
= \frac{i}{2b} 2\pi i \left\{ Res(0) + Res(b)\right\} = - \frac{\pi}{b} \left\{ 1 - \frac{1+b^2}{1-b^2}\right\} = \frac{2\pi b}{1 -b^2}