Galileo and Einstein very interesting book, 200 pages, by Michael Fowler , Text for Physics 109, Fall 2009 (from Babylonians and Greeks to Einstein)
Physics Made Easy Karura notes
Classical and quantum mechanics via Lie algebras by Arnold Neumaier, Dennis Westra , 502 pages, (arxiv)
by Hans de Vries: 'Physics Quest' Understanding Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
- I love this 'book in progress' to understand Special Relativity, and beyond. To see how a real Lorentz contraction do happen (ch. 4) and how magnetic field is induced by electrostactic field and Non-simultaneity (it is like a Coriollis effect)
by Benjamin Crowell: 'Light and Matter' - General Relativity
explore other physics topics here
by Bo Thidé: Electromagnetic Field Theory - advanced Electrodynamics textbook
Elecromagnetic Fields and Energy MIT Hypermedia Teaching Facility, by Herman A. Haus and James R. Melcher (with media)
HyperPhysics - everything, in short.
the physics hypertextbook detailed online book, very interesting Work in Progress.
Relativity - The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein (1920)
Feynman Lectures (pdfs) (final index)
Wikipedia Physics a portal to start digging. A colaborative gigantic work.
WikiBooks -SR a textbook on Relativity.
WikiSource - Relativity Portal find here "The Measure of Time" by Henri Poincaré and many other original sources.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy a plethora of info related to physics (for ex. singularities)
The Physics of Waves by HOWARD GEORGI of Harvard
The Physics of Ocean Waves (for physicists and surfers), by Michael Twardos at UCI
Photonics - The Basics and Applications 92 pages , University of Pennsylvania
Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light 305 pages, Joannopoulos et al, Princeton Univ Press
Computational Genomics Algorithms in Molecular Biology, Lecture notes by Ron Shamir (pdfs)
Motion Mountain by Christoph Schiller
Journals open access and online collections
Directory of Open Access Journals free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals (6286, been 2735 searchable at article level)
MathPages - lectures on various subjects in physics and mathematics.
livingreviews journal articles by invitaton on relativity and beyond
livingreviews blog about the journal articles
Calphysics research on the electromagnetic quantum vacuum (with care, controversial material)
MIT - OpenCourseWare Several courses available
MIT OCW fundamentals-of-photonics-quantum-electronics download pdfs
Sources to use with precaution
ARXIV door to papers that I cannot afford (sometimes good ideas) -- Cornell univ controlled
I follow this archive thru this MIT's blog The Physics arXiv Blog
VIXRA free to post the ugly, the bad, the crazy, and sometimes good ideas
Independent researchers can publish here. The arXiv is usually closed to authors without academic affiliation.
Portals Access to a world of original digitized books, and much more.
NASA ADS Absctract Data Service search
Scribd - a generic social publishing site where I find books (scientific/technical) with full or partial access. from the giant that is changing the observable universe of Human beings
Cosmos Portal from Digital Library
Encyclopedia of Earth from Digital Library
NanoHub - A resource for nanoscience and technology
youtube Berkeley Chanel with courses
Richard Feynman - Science Videos - 4 original videos (recorded at Auckland) arguably the greatest science lecturer ever.
Videos for Shiraz's lectures on String Theory
Leonard Susskind - Modern Theoretical Physics from his "physics for everyone" blog
Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics NanoHub - Lectures (Purdue Univ ref. ECE 495N)
including Lecture 10: Shrödinger's Equation in 3-D (mp4)
Multivariable calculus and vector analysis A set of on-line readings (Interactive click and drag with LiveGraphics3D) ; explore tab Topics
KhanAcademy (videos) mission: to deliver a world-class education to anyone anywhere
Math and physics online tools:
Online Latex Equation Editor (right click the result and apply anywhere)
wolframalpha - computational knowledge engine, do you want to calculate or know about?
sage online - support a viable open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB.
Euler Math Toolbox free software for numerical and for symbolic computations
geogebra - Free mathematics software for learning and teaching
Modeling and simulation
OpenModelica Physical modeling and simulation environment
Elmer Open Source Finite Element Software for Multiphysical Problems (examples)
Mason Multiagent based simulation (IA)
ECJ Evolutionary Computation (IA)
Breve A 3d Simulation Environment for Multi-Agent Simulations and Artificial Life
NanoHub-Periodic Potential Lab solves the time independent Schroedinger Equation in a 1-D spatial potential variation
demonstrations.wolfram 7050 applets
Astronomy and astrophysics
Books and reviews
Cosmology today-A brief review (arxiv 2011)
This is a brief review of the standard model of cosmology. We first introduce the FRW models and their flat solutions for energy fluids playing an important role in the dynamics at different epochs. We then introduce different cosmological lengths and some of their applications. The later part is dedicated to the physical processes and concepts necessary to understand the early and very early Universe and observations of it.
review of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) (arxiv 2008)
astro-canada Introduction to astronomy, light, instruments, etc.
simbad search data on celestial bodies with the proper tools.
NASA PDS: The Planetary Data System data related to Nasa missions
Sky viewers
Skyview , Nasa SkyView is a Virtual Observatory on the Net
WWT World Wide Telescope, Microsoft
Simulation and presentations
Celestia free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions.
astrolab presentations_astronomiques (FR)
Other resources
Kirk McDonald page at a handful of resources on EM,QED,QM (+-5Gb ;-)
Springerlink's LaTeXsearch you can search articles by using latex formulas input