I am struggling with drawing a Feynman diagram for particle physics processes including $\pi^0$ mesons and hope you can help my clarifying my confusion.
Take, for example, the following process $$D^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 + e^+ + \nu.$$ I know that $D^+ = |c\bar{d}\rangle$ and $\pi^0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|u\bar{u} \rangle - |d\bar{d}\rangle)$.
On the left side of the process, we have a charm-quark but not on the right hand-side. Thus, we deal with weak interaction. My problem is that I do not know how to deal with the "superposition" of $u\bar{u}$ and $d\bar{d}$ in the $\pi^0$-meson.
I've attached my attempt of a Feynman diagram, but there I only describe the conversion of the charm to a down quark, but not how to create the $u\bar{u}$ part (so, in fact, I explain only "half" of the pion). I would imagine that we need another Z-Boson that might create the $u\bar{u}$, but I do not know where I should get this Z-boson from.
I am grateful for any hint/tip/idea that helps to clarify my confusion. Thank you in advance!