I am following the derivation of the scattering cross-section from Peskin and Schroeder textbook. On page 105, we get an expression for the differential cross-section:
$$d\sigma = \left(\prod_f \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2E_f}\right) \int d^2b \left(\prod_{i=A,B} \int\frac{d^3k_i}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{\phi_i(\bf{k_i})}{\sqrt{2E_i}} \int \frac{d^3\bar{k}_i}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{\phi_i^*(\bar{\bf{k}}_i)}{\sqrt{2\bar{E}_i}}\right)\times e^{i\vec{b}(\bar{\textbf{k}}_B-\textbf{K}_B)} \left(_{\text{out}}\langle\{\textbf{p}_f\}|\{\textbf{k}_i\}\rangle_{\text{in}}\right) \left(_{\text{out}}\langle\{\textbf{p}_f\}|\{\bar{\textbf{k}}_i\}\rangle_{\text{in}}\right)^*. \tag{4.76}$$ We also have two $\delta$-functions available to use, derived earlier: $$(2\pi)^2\delta ^{(2)}(k_{B\perp} - \bar{k}_{B\perp}). $$ From the $d^2b$ integral and $$(2\pi)^4\delta ^{4}(\sum\bar{k}_i - \sum p_f). $$ From the complex conjugate part and 4 momentum conservation.
The text states
we can use these delta functions to perform all 6 of the integrals over $\bar{k}$. Of the 6 integrals, only those over $\bar{k}_A^z$ and $\bar{k}_B^z$ require some work.
The Problem
I wanted to work out the integral over $\bar{k}^x$, since it's implied it is easy. However, I'm stumped!
My Attempt
First, I separated the parts out of (4.76) I think are important: $$I = \prod_{i=A,B}\int \frac{d^3\bar{k}_i}{(2\pi)^3} \frac{\phi ^*_i(\bar{\textbf{k}}_i)}{\sqrt{2\bar{E}_i}} $$
Taking the x-components and removing the constants to the front: $$I^x = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4\bar{E}_A\bar{E}_B}} \int \phi_A(\bar{\textbf{k}}_A^{x})^*\phi_B(\textbf{k}_B^{x})^*\frac{d\bar{k}_A^x}{2\pi}\frac{d\bar{k}_B^x}{2\pi} $$
Sticking in the delta functions, cancelling factors of $\pi$ and ignoring the constants I pulled out at the front (is it right to remove the $\phi$?) leaves me: $$I^x = \int d\bar{k_A^x}d\bar{k_B^x}\left( \phi_A(\bar{\textbf{k}}_A^{x})^*\phi_B(\bar{\textbf{k}}_B^{x})^* \delta^{(1)}(k_{B\perp} - \bar{k}_{B\perp})\delta^{(1)}(\sum\bar{k}_i^x - \sum p_f^x)\right)$$
$$I^x = \int d\bar{k_A^x}d\bar{k}_B^x \left(\phi_A(\bar{\textbf{k}}_A^{x})^*\phi_B(\bar{\textbf{k}}_B^{x})^* \delta^{(1)}(k_{B\perp} - \bar{k}_{B\perp})\delta^{(1)}(\bar{k}_A^x + \bar{k}_B^x- \sum p_f^x)\right)$$
Now, I am stuck. I think the delta functions are meant to yield factors of energy, but I don't know how to use them to do that. I am also unsure what the first delta function means with the perpendicular sign.