If a many-electron Hamiltonian $H$ commutes with ${\vec L}^2, {\vec S}^2, {\vec J}^2$, and $J_z$ but not $L_z$ and $S_z$, the energy eigenstates are designated by $|LSJM_J\rangle$. Since there is no external field (no breakdown of rotational symmetry) that distinguishes different values of $M_J$, the energy cannot depend on $M_J$ and therefore, such a state, for a given value of $J$ will have a $(2J+1)$-fold degeneracy.
It is clear that the energy eigenstates $|LSJM_J\rangle$ are not labeled by $M_L, M_S$ because $H$ does not commute with $L_z, S_z$. But is there any chance that the energy depends on $M_L$ and/or $M_S$? Does the absence of an external field (rotational symmetry) also exclude the possibility of energy depending on $M_L$ and/or $M_S$?