I need to simulate the motion of a small particle (100nm rigid sphere) in water. For the purposes of this I'm only interested in the forces acting on the particle, not its position. I need to generate random forces drawing from a physically realistic distribution.
I've read a few chapters on classical Brownian motion (eg: http://physics.gu.se/~frtbm/joomla/media/mydocs/LennartSjogren/kap6.pdf and https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~aldous/205B/bmbook.pdf) and I'm if anything more confused about it than when I started. There's plenty of material on the distribution of positions (random walk), but not so much of forces. It seems that each collision with a water molecule lasts on the order of picoseconds during which momentum is transferred (no idea what the exact force over time profile for an individual collision is, but hopefully there are enough collisions in overlapping at any point in time that it would smoothe out the sum; and I assume the collision is fully elastic); and the overall force is the sum of a fairly high number of collisions like this happening at random (assumed to be independent) times.
The tricky parts: if each water molecule moved at the same speed, then the number of collisions per unit time would be simply given by the Poisson distribution; but of course the molecules would have a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of velocities, and it seems faster molecules are more likely to collide per unit time (essentially: since they travel further in that amount of time), so the distribution of collisions per unit time is not Poisson, and the distribution of velocities of colliding molecules is not Maxwell–Boltzmann. The total force averaged over any time interval would be the (vector) sum of the momentum of all colliding particles divided by the time, but neither the distribution of colliding particle velocities not the distribution of number of particles colliding per unit time is obvious (and the two distributions are not independent).
How do I produce a random time series that correctly represents the forces acting on a particle in Brownian motion?