I'm following R. Shankar's Quantum mechanics and a certain statement, I just don't understand.
Suppose the effect of acting on a state $|\alpha lm\rangle $ with $T^q_k$. Let us rotate the resulting state and see what happens: $$U[R]T^q_k|jm\rangle=U[R]T^q_k U^\dagger[R]U[R]|jm\rangle $$ $$=\sum_{q'}D^{(k)}_{q'q}T^{q'}_k\sum_{m'}D^{(j)}_{m'm}|jm'\rangle=\sum_{q',m'}D^{(k)}_{q'q}D^{(j)}_{m'm}T^{q'}_k|jm'\rangle$$
We find that $T^q_k|jm\rangle$ responds to rotations like the product ket $|kq\rangle\otimes|jm\rangle$.
I understand this as $$U[R](|kq\rangle \otimes|jm\rangle)=\sum_{q'}D^{(k)}_{q'q}|kq'\rangle\otimes\sum_{m'}D^{(j)}_{m'm}|jm'\rangle$$
But then He said,
Thus, when we act on a state with $T^q_k$, we add angular momentum $(k,q)$ to the state.
In other words, an irreducible tensor operator $T^q_k$ imparts a definite amount of angular momentum $(k,q)$ to the state it acts on.
Can you please explain this paragraph? It will be great if you can give an example sort of thing for lower dimensions.
I attempt to test this statement backward As
$$T^q_k|jm\rangle =|j+k,q+m\rangle$$ As claimed by the author (apart from constant). Now If we act the rotation on this state then $$U[R]T^q_k|jm\rangle =U[R]|j+k,q+m\rangle=\sum_{m'}\mathcal{D}^{(k+j)}_{m',m+q}|k+j,m'\rangle$$
Now, this must be equal to the right-hand side of the author's calculation. But I don't understand How this supposed to be.