The textbook I am studying from states the following
The voltage $V_P$ in the primary coil is directly proportional to the current $I_p$ in the coil $$V_p\propto I_p$$ The magnetic flux density $B_p$ is also directly proportional to $I_p$ $$B_p\propto I_p$$
However I do not understand why exactly or which equation links the magnetic flux density to the current in that way, all I could come up with based on reasoning is that,
Since the induced E.M.F is given by$$E=BLV\sin(\theta)$$ Hence $$E\propto B$$ And so since $V_p\propto I_p$ and $E\propto B$ hence $$B \propto I_p$$ However I know that this is a hackjob at most , how is the proper way to go about thinking of this relationship in terms of proportionalities?