In this exercise one needs to determine the generalised coordinates. We have a pendulum in a magnetic field $B$. The pendulum rotates around its axis with an angular velocity $ω$ on the circle as shown in the picture below. The pendulum is attached in the point $z_0$ and the mass $m$ and charge $e$ attached on the pendulum is located on the tip of the pendulum.
My ansatz: I only know that the degrees of freedom are given by $f=3N-k$. I thought, that there are $f$ generalised coordinates $𝑞_1,...,𝑞_𝑓$ which implies $f=5$ generalised coordinates and I have only one constraint: $|(√𝑥2+𝑦2)−𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑠(ψ)|=𝑅$ because $k=1$. I think that there should be only $f=2$ generalised coordinates $q_1$=ψ and $q_2$=Φ, but this would imply $N=1$ and therefore $k=0$ and I would loose the constraint. What to do?