Here is something that I never understood about Maxwell's demon paradox : in order to contradict the second law of thermodynamics, the demon must open and close the door without doing any work... But how is that possible ?
I know it is just a thought experiment but still, as I see it, it just shows (by contraposition) that, if you assume the second principle to hold true, then there cannot exist a device that will open and close the door in this way without doing any actual work (for instance, there will necessarily be some friction or whatever which will creates some work..)
Seeing things this way there is no paradox and it only states, as a corollary of the second law, that such a demon cannot exist...
Obviously, I am missing something here since there seems to be much more to this thought experiment than that... I would be extremely grateful if someone would take the time to explain to me where I am mistaken ! :)
Thanks !