In the action term for Majorana fermion as given in Peskin and Schroeder's question 3.4, the first term is :
$\int d^4x \space\chi^\dagger i \bar{\mathbb{\sigma}} \cdot \partial\chi$
which can be written as
$\int d^4x \space \chi^\dagger i \bar{\mathbb{\sigma}}^\mu \partial_\mu \chi$
where $\bar{\mathbb{\sigma}}^\mu = (1,-\vec{\sigma})$
Now, $\chi$ is a two components column and $\chi ^\dagger$ is a 2 component row. But $\partial_{\mu}$ is a four derivative, so it has four component.
a) So mathematically speaking, what kind of object is $\partial_{\mu} \chi$?
Then, going one step further, there is $\bar{\mathbb{\sigma}}^\mu$ which is a 4 components row, where each component is a 2 by 2 matrix.
b) Can someone show me what then is the overall term $\chi^\dagger i \bar{\mathbb{\sigma}}^\mu \partial_\mu \chi$?
This sort of mathematical manipulation is still not my strong suit, and I would really appreciate some help.
P.S. $\chi(x)$ is defined as a 2-component field.