Suppose I have a Wigner function that falls off faster than any polynomial for all directions in phase space. That is, for all $a,b>0$, $$\lim_{|x|\to\infty} |x^a p^b W(x,p)| =0=\lim_{|p|\to\infty} |x^a p^b W(x,p)|,$$ which, when combined with the boundedness of its magnitude, is known to be equivalent to $|W|_{(a,b),(0,0)} < \infty$ where $$|W|_{(a,b),(c,d)}\equiv \sup_{x,p} |x^a p^b \partial_x^c \partial_p^d W(x,p)|$$ using some standard tricks in Fourier analysis. Does this means $W$ is a Schwartz function, i.e., that $|W|_{(a,b),(c,d)} < \infty$ for all $a,b,c,d$?
This of course is not true for a generic function on phase space, but I am pretty sure it holds for Wigner functions corresponding to the density matrix (a positive operator). Intuitively, the Wiger function's high-frequency wiggles in the $x$ direction correspond to coherence over long distances in $p$, but if the support of (most of) the Wigner function's mass is basically bounded in $p$, these $x$ wiggles must be suppressed above some frequency cut-off. And vice versa.
I thought I remember this being demonstrated in Folland's Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space, but I can't dig it up even after a lot of searching.