Show that the velocity profile of a fluid that obeys Ellis's viscosity law and that flows through a tube of radius R and length L is given by expression:
$$ v(i)-v(i-1)+\Delta r\left(\phi_{0}+\phi_{1}\left|\tau_{r z}\right|^{\alpha-1}\right) \tau(i)=0 $$
and the shear stress is given by the expression:
$$ \tau(i)-\tau(i-1)-\frac{1}{i \Delta r} \cdot \frac{v(i)-v(i-1)}{\phi_{0}+\phi_{1}\left|\tau_{r z}\right|^{\alpha-1}}-\Delta r\left(\frac{P_{0}-P_{L}}{L}\right)=0 $$
I know that the Ellis's viscosity law is given as a differential equiation given by the expression:
$$ -\frac{d v_{x}}{d y}=\left(\phi_{0}+\phi_{1}\left|\tau_{y x}\right|^{\alpha-1}\right) \tau_{y x} $$
but I don't know how to prove it Thanks!