The most general form of the Noether's current (see here and here) is given by $$j^\mu(x)=\sum\limits_a\frac{\partial \mathscr{L}}{\partial(\partial_\mu\phi_a)}\delta\phi_a -\theta^{\mu\nu}\delta x_\nu-K^\mu\tag{1}$$ where $$\theta^{\mu\nu}=\frac{\partial\mathscr{L}}{\partial(\partial_\mu\phi)}\partial^\nu\phi-\eta^{\mu\nu}\mathscr{L}.\tag{2}$$Using $(1)$, let us determine the conserved current due to spacetime translations for which $\delta x^\mu=a^\mu$ (a spacetime independent constant) and $\delta\phi_a=0$. Therefore, $$j^\mu(x)=-\theta^{\mu\nu}a_\nu-K^\mu.\tag{3}$$ Now conserved current implies $$\partial_\mu(\theta^{\mu\nu}a_\nu+K^\mu)=a_\nu\partial_\mu\theta^{\mu\nu}+\partial_\mu K^\mu=0.\tag{4}$$ If $K^\mu$ were zero (as is assumed in Ryder's book, for example), since $a_\nu$ is arbitrary, we would immediately get the usual conservation laws $$\partial_\mu\theta^{\mu\nu}=0\tag{5}$$ from which we obtained four conserved quantities: $P^\nu$.
In the general case, when $K^\mu\neq 0$, assuming that both $\theta^{\mu\nu}$ and $K^\mu$ vanish sufficiently rapidly at spatial infinity, I obtain, $$\frac{d}{dt}(a_\nu\theta^{0\nu}+K^0)d^3x=0.\tag{6}$$ The disturbing thing about this is that now I get only one conserved quantity $$Q=\int j^0d^3x=-\int(a_\nu\theta^{0\nu}+K^0)d^3x\tag{7}$$ because $a^\nu$ does not drop out from the equations and Lorentz indices are contracted! What is wrong with my analysis?
Addendum The analogue of Eq.$(7)$ is like obtaining $$p_x a_x+p_ya_y+p_za_z={\rm constant}$$ under a general spatial translation ${\bf r}\to {\bf r}+{\bf a}$ where ${\bf a}=a_x\hat{x}+a_y\hat{y}+a_z\hat{z}$. What would please me is that if I could show $p_{x,y,z}$ are intividually constants. Please let me know if I am making a conceptual/notational mistake.
Question How to apply general expression for Noether's current to get the energy-momentum conservation law?