Heat capacity $C$ is related to the specific heat $c$(heat per unit mass per degree) by
The specific heat $c$ is a material property. The specific heats at constant pressure, $c_p$ and constant volume $c_v$ are defined by
$$c_{v}=\biggl (\frac{\delta u}{\delta T}\biggr)_{V}$$
$$c_{p}=\biggl(\frac{\delta h}{\delta T}\biggr)_{P}$$
Where $u$ and $h$ are the specific internal energy and enthalpy, respectively. Internal energy and enthalpy are both extensive thermodynamic properties.
Since the specific heats are defined entirely by extensive thermodynamic properties, heat capacities must also be extensive properties.
Thanks. Great perspective. Unfortunately it does not really help that
much, since you could rephrase then my question, in C=mc to what
precision is c independent of m. Let me give you an analogy where it
is maybe clearer (because it doesnt hold). I could ask how well do
resistors follow Ohms law. Then you could have said,well R:=U/I so
U=R*I, which is true, but R is not independent of I. (generally
resistors follow ohms law only approximatively)
That's a different question than is heat capacity truly an extensive property. Extensive property means it depends on the mass. The specific heat does not depend on mass as can be seen by the definitions. But it does depend on temperature. It can only be considered constant over a limited temperature range.
In terms of your Ohm's law analogy, $R$ is dependent on $I$ to the extent that $R$ is dependent on temperature and temperature varies with $I$ due to resistance heating $I^2R$. But generally $R$ does not depend on voltage $U$. An example of an exception is the solid state device called a varistor, or voltage dependent resistor, such as a metal oxide varistor (MOV). Similarly, specific heat depends on temperature but does not depend on mass. As far as I know, increasing or decreasing the mass of an object does not alter the specific heat. Nor does the amount of mass alter the specific internal energy or specific enthalpy. But of you can provide an example where it does, please do so.
I would add, based on my discussions with @Hyportnex, that if you mean by "precision" you mean at the microscopic (e.g., molecular) level, then let me say I am approaching this from the macroscopic thermodynamics point of view, i.e., that is from the perspective of observable mass. I would acknowledge, however, that when you get to the molecular level, there can be variations in specific properties such as specific heat, specific internal energy, specific enthalpy, etc.
Take, for example, specific internal energy. It consists of sum or total amount of the microscopic kinetic and potential energies. At the molecular level, however, the kinetic and potential energies may vary from the average since speeds and separations of the molecules vary and are distributed about the average value.
For example, individual atoms and molecules, or small quantities of atoms and molecules, can have kinetic energies that are distributed about the average. But it is the average that determines the kinetic energy component of specific internal energy. Since the average translational kinetic energy of the molecules of an object determines the overall temperature of the object, that, in turn, implies specific heat can vary with mass at the molecular level. However, as a practical matter, in macro thermodynamics specific heat is independent of the amount of mass.
I am not looking at a molecular level, but maybe in the range of
mg-mug-ng whatever data is available, basically to understand when
does it break down (with current technology)
So I guess what you are really asking is to what degree of granularity is specific heat independent of the amount of mass.
It seems to me that would depend on to what degree is the material ishomogenous, that is, to what degree does the material or system have the same properties at every point. Is it is uniform without irregularities? Or to put it another way, is it sufficiently homogenous that it cannot be mechanically separated into different materials?
Another possible consideration is to what degree is the material isotropic? That is, to what degree are the physical properties independent of the orientation of the orientation of the materiel or system. That could have an impact on the test conditions used to determine specific heats.
If in fact you have had a material that was both homogenous and isotropic, then it would seem that the specific heat (and other specific thermodynamic properties) would be independent of the amount of mass or its orientation, at least at the level of ponderable masses.
A Wikipedia article on variations in specific heat states that "specific heat can be defined and measured for gases, liquids, and solids of fairly general composition. These include gas mixtures, solutions and alloys, or heterogenous materials such as milk, sand, granite, and concrete, if considered at a sufficiently large scale" (bold italics mine)
I believe if you want to know what a "sufficiently large scale" is, you would need to do research for the specific material(s) to find out.
Hope this helps.