I am reading Schwartz's chapter on renormalizing the $\phi^4$ theory and I have two questions. We define the renormalized coupling to be the matrix element of all contributing diagrams at a given energy scale
$$\lambda_R=\lambda+\frac{\lambda^2}{32 \pi^2} \ln\frac{s_0}{\Lambda^2}+...\tag{15.65}$$
Now we want to get an expression $\lambda=\lambda(\lambda_R)$ to substitute this in the matrix element for general energies. To this end, Schwartz now writes a series expansion
$$\lambda=\lambda_R+a \lambda^2_R+...\tag{15.66}$$
Why can we do this?
Second, the resulting expression for $\mathcal{M}(s)$ reads
$$\mathcal{M}(s)=-\lambda_R-\frac{\lambda^2_R}{32 \pi^2}\ln\frac{s}{s_0}+...\tag{15.69}$$
He then writes
This equation gives us an expression for $\mathcal{M}(s)$ for any $s$ that is finite order-by-order in perturbation theory.
I dont really understand this claim. He showed that its finite at one-loop-order. Why is it clear from the preceding calculation that there won't be divergences at some higher order?
Edit: It can be found on page 298 in Schwartz "QFT and the SM"