Recently I find someone declared that: ‘Even if we write $g_{\mu\nu}=\delta_{\mu\nu }$ everywhere in some patch, we can still find a non-zero Riemann tensor if our basis vectors don't commute’ From this I find an interesting example:
If we parallel a basis $e_\mu(x_0)$ on a manifold $M$ which equipped with a connection field $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$. Then we get: $$D_\mu e_\nu(x)=\partial_\mu e_\nu(x)-\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}(x)e_\rho(x)=0$$ And $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}(x)\delta x^\mu \in SO(n)$. Then parallel transport $e_\mu(x_0)(e_\mu(x_0) \cdot e_\nu(x_0)= \delta_{\mu\nu })$ to another point $x$ along a particular path, we can get $$ e_\mu(x)= e_\mu(x_0)R(x)= e_\mu(x_0)\prod \Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu }dx^\mu $$
Obviously $ R(x)\in SO(n)$, and the corresponding metric is $g_{\mu\nu}=\delta_{\mu\nu }$ . If $R(x) $ is a function on the manifold, then $ e_\mu(x)$ is a non-coordinate basis field. If the curvature of $ \Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu }$ is not zero. Then when basis $e_\mu(x)$ moves along an infinitesimal closed path, it will rotate an infinitesimal angle contrast to the initial basis $e_\mu(x)$, So on the manifold we can’t define a global basis field, but we can define a global metric $g_{\mu\nu}=\delta_{\mu\nu }$..
The connection $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ is not always symmetric in the indices $\mu,\nu$.But when we calculate the curvature from the metric $\delta_{\mu\nu }$, the curvature we get is zero, this obviously contradict that the curvature of connection $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ is not zero. the reason is when we calculate the connection from metric, we require $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ must symmetric in indices $\mu,\nu$(torsion free). So
(1) Can we conclude that the torsion should be relevant to the rotation of the basis when parallel transporting along a path?
(2) Because the definition of curvature is when a vector parallel transport along a closed path, the change of vector is not zero, the effect of torsion can rotate the vector when it parallel transport a closed path, then can we say the torsion is only part of curvature?
(3) If we do not neglect the torsion part of the connection, then when we parallel transport a vector on the manifold either we will get a vector field whose curl isn’t zero or we can’t get a vector field at all. So why can we neglect the torsion?
About ‘if the frame is holonomic if and only if the torsion vanishes’,It is unquestionably true, if there is a frame $ e_\mu (x)$, then the connection coefficients defined as: $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}=e_\mu^a \partial_a e^b_\nu e_b^\rho$, if $ e_\mu^a $ can be equivalently expressed with a global coordinate transformation $ e_\mu^a =\frac{\partial x^a}{\partial x^\mu}$, then $ e_\mu $ is a coordinate basis, then $[ e_\mu, e_\nu]=0$, The connection $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ is torsion free, and it can be transformed to 0 using a coordinate transformation.
If $ e_\mu $ is a non- coordinate basis, then the corresponding connection $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ is not symmetric in $\mu,\nu$, it contains the part of torsion, and obviously it can’t be transformed to 0 under a coordinate transformation. Further more, to some $\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\nu}$ fields, they can’t be described using a global basis fields.