Considering a circular motion with no angular acceleration. How can you find the same magnitude for the velocity vector at different time using the formula $v_{t} = v_0 + a.t$ with vectors?
The acceleration vector $\vec{a} = \vec{a_c} + \vec{a_t}$ where $\vec{a_c}$ is the centripetal acceleration $a_c$ = $\dfrac{-v^2}{r}$ and $\vec{a_t}$ is the tangential acceleration if the tangential speed change.
On every diagram I've seen so far, the radial acceleration vector $\vec{a_r}$ and the tangential velocity $\vec{v_t}$ are perpendicular and their vector tails share the same point, then how could $\vec{v_{(t_0+dt)}}$ be the same magnitude than $\vec{v_{(t_0)}}$ ? How can I prove a hypothenuse be the same length as one of its component? In my book they speak of radial acceleration instead of centripetal but if I'm right, I tried this : $$\vec{v_{(t_0+dt)}} = v_{r_{(t_0)}}\vec{r} + v_{t_{(t_0)}}\vec{\theta} + (a_r.dt)\vec{r} + (a_t.dt)\vec{\theta} $$
$\vec{r}$ is the unit vector in the radius vector's direction which goes to the point p at $t_0$
and $\vec{\theta}$ is the unit vector of the tangent at the point p and in the positive direction counterclockwise and perpendicular to $\vec{r}$
the scalar $v_r$ is zero and with no angular acceleration $a_t$ is zero. Is this equation correct? $$\mid\mid\vec{v_{(t_0+dt)}}\mid\mid = (v_{t_{(t_0)}}^2 + (a_r.dt)^2)^{\frac{1}{2}} $$ I've just seen the derivation leading to $a_c$ = $\dfrac{-v^2}{r}$ but in the equation above any magnitude for $a_r$ would give $v_{(t_0+dt)} = v_{t_{(t_0)}}$ since $dt$ is small enough.