Thanks to the comments above I realized it is just a linear algebra problem. The issue is that in linear algebra courses people often go through the inner product spaces theory only, while, before doing some mathematical relativity, one should get familiar with what results transfer to the indefinite scalar product theory, which I did not do up to now. The answer to my question was given in the comments above, but here I want to provide a more abstract linear algebra proof that works for more general cases.
Let $V$ be an $\mathbb{R}$ vector space with a scalar product $g$ with signature $(p, q)$. Then the wanted result is a simple corollary of the following analogous result to the inner product spaces theory:
Proposition: Let $T$ be a linear operator from $(V, g)$ to $(V', g')$. Then the followings are equivalent:
- $T$ preserves the scalar product, that is to say, is orthogonal
- $T$ sends any orthonormal basis to an orthonormal basis, preserving time and space components
- $T$ sends one orthonormal basis to an orthonormal basis, preserving time and space components
where a basis $\{e_i\}$ is orthonormal if $|g(e_i, e_j)| = \delta_{ij}$.
Proof: $1 \Rightarrow 2$ and $2 \Rightarrow 3$ are obvious so let us prove $3 \Rightarrow 1$. Let $\{e_i\}$ be the orthonormal basis in question, which is sent to $\{e'_j\}$ and write $v = v^i e_i, w = w^i e_i$ for $v, w \in V$. Then
g(Tv, Tw) = g\left(T(v^i e_i), T(w^j e_j)\right) = v^i w^j g(T e_i, T e_j) = v^i w^j g(e'_i, e'_j) = v^i w^j g(e_i, e_j) = g(v, w)
Now, on a space $V$ with a non-definite scalar product, there are two standard spheres: the set of vectors of squared norm $1$ and the set of vectors of squared norm $-1$.
Corollary: The orthogonal group of a scalar product vector space preserves both spheres and is transitive on both of them.
Proof: It is immediate that an orthogonal operator preserves light, null, and space vectors and hence it preserves each of the two spheres.
Let us see it is orthogonal on the time sphere: for the space sphere it is analogous. Take $e$ and $e'$ to be two vectors in the time sphere.
Complete each of the two vectors to an orthonormal basis. The two bases clearly have the same number of time and space vectors by Sylvester's theorem and hence there is a linear operator sending one basis to the other, which respects time and space components of the basis. This operator is orthogonal by the above proposition.