The axial current of a Dirac spinor is given by $j_A^\mu = \bar{\psi} \gamma^5 \gamma^\mu \psi$. In this book, in the paragraph under equation (2.18) it is stated that the current is even under charge conjugation. I am trying to show this. Charge conjugation of a spinor $\psi$ is defined as $\psi^{(c)} = C \psi^*$, where $C$ is the unitary charge conjugation matrix which satisfies $C^\dagger \gamma^\mu C = -(\gamma^\mu)^*$ for all gamma matrices and $\bar{\psi}=\psi^\dagger \gamma^0$.
We have
$$ (j^\mu_A)^{(c)} = \overline{\psi^{(c)}}\gamma^5 \gamma^\mu \psi^{(c)} \\ =(C\psi^*)^\dagger \gamma^0 \gamma^5\gamma^\mu C \psi^* \\ = (\psi^\dagger)^* (C^\dagger\gamma^0 C)(C^\dagger \gamma^5 C)(C^\dagger \gamma^\mu C) \psi^* \\ = - (\psi^\dagger)^*(\gamma^0)^*(\gamma^5)^* (\gamma^\mu)^*\psi^* \\ =(\psi^\dagger \gamma^0\gamma^5 \gamma^\mu \psi)^* \\ = (\bar{\psi}\gamma^5 \gamma^\mu \psi)^*$$
where going from the 4th to 5th line, pulling out the complex conjugate picks up a minus sign as the components of the spinors are anti-commuting Grassman numbers. Now that book is telling me that the current is even under charge conjugation so I would expect $\bar{\psi}\gamma^5 \gamma^\mu \psi$ is real, but I can't show this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.