A solar flare contains high energy protons and particles.
A solar wind is a stream of energized & charged particles primarily electrons & protons.
I am confused whether both are same or not? Any help would be appreciated.
A solar flare contains high energy protons and particles.
No, not really. A solar flare is just a localized enhancement of UV and x-ray radiation. The processes that lead to a solar flare can, yes, accelerate particles both toward and away from the sun. Those that impact the chromosphere and photosphere can generate x-rays and $\gamma$-rays from Bremsstrahlung radiation and nuclear processes, respectively.
A solar wind is a stream of energized & charged particles primarily electrons & protons.
Kind of, yes. The solar wind is more just a supersonic wind resulting from some imbalanced forces near the sun (the source of the acceleration is still under debate) causing a steady stream of particles leaving the solar corona. The particles that escape the solar atmosphere need not be energized beyond thermal energies in the sense your comment seems to imply. That is, they have a bulk flow speed on the order of ~400 km/s but temperatures of only ~10 eV by the time they reach Earth (several 10s of eV closer to the sun). For protons, the thermal speed (typically ~25-50 km/s near Earth) is much lower than the bulk flow speed. For electrons, it's the opposite as their mass is ~1836 times smaller than the proton's (typically >1500 km/s near Earth).
I am confused whether both are same or not?
No, the solar wind and solar flares are not the same phenomena. As I said above, a solar flare is just an enhancement of electromagnetic radiation in the UV to $\gamma$-ray range (mostly UV and x-rays). The solar wind is the constant flow of thermal particles from the sun's upper atmosphere.
You may find the following useful as well: https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/258093/59023 or https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/149199/59023 or https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/391589/59023 or https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/445355/59023.
A solar flare is an explosion of plasma caused by the twisting, crossing, or re-oraniztion of magnetic field lines near a sunspot.
The solar wind is caused by the outward expansion of plasma in the Sun's corona - or outer atmosphere.
The temperature of the corona is roughly $1$ million degrees $K$- it is so hot it can escape the gravity of the Sun.
The temperature of Sun's surface is roughly $6,000$ degrees $K.$