Alright, this can actually be pretty easily explained without too many equations and only a single thing to keep in mind: charge cannot pile up inside a metal.
In other words, electrons won't ever pile up within a wire. If they did, even for a tiny amount of time, then they'd repel each other super strongly due to the $1/r^2$ dependence of the electric force electrons exert on one another, until they were once again pretty evenly spread out throughout the metal.
Now, what does this imply? If the electrons can't pile up, it means that if we were to measure the rate of electrons flowing through any cross-sectional area of a wire or a resistor in a circuit (I'm assuming a series circuit here), it must be the same for all the cross-sectional areas!
But, by the very definition of current (the amount of charge that flows through a cross-sectional area of a metal per second), that means the current must be the same everywhere in the (series) circuit! Otherwise, electrons would pile up.
Now I'll more directly address your confusion: the current through a lightbulb.
What happens at the lightbulb?
So first, yes, you're correct on how incandescent lightbulb works. Inside of a glass bulb, there's a really thin tungsten filament, and when a current flows through it, it emits light. I'll explain why:
Tungsten has two properties that make it perfect material for composing the filament of a lightbulb:
- It has an extremely high melting point.
- It's pretty conductive.
Now, just like in the way water in a single pipe with two sections of different radii flows with a faster velocity through the thinner sections of the pipe, if we make the tungsten filament super-duper thin, electrons will need to "flow" (drift) faster through the filament that's thinner than the rest of the circuit in order for there to not be charge buildup anywhere on the circuit. The thinner we make it, the greater the velocity electrons will have when going through it!
Sidetrack, but this is why there's a bigger voltage drop through thinner resistors. In order for electrons to not build up within the circuit, they must flow faster through the thin parts, and in order for them to flow (drift) faster through the thinner parts, there must be a greater electric field pushing them through the thin resistors. A greater electric field means a greater voltage drop!
Now, since electrons are moving super quickly through the thin tungsten filament, they're also smashing more frequently into the atoms of the tungsten filament as compared to the atoms of other parts of the circuit. This makes the tungsten atoms start vibrating really rapidly, which heats up the tungsten filament to extremely high temperatures (hence why it was important to make sure to use tungsten, or another metal with a high melting point).
Aaaand, when the tungsten gets heated to a hot enough temperature, its atoms start emitting light!! (Aaaand I could go more into why this happens if you want, but I think its out of the scope of this question...)
Hope that helped!