In Huang's statistical mechanics, the general ensemble average of a dynamical variable $O(p,q)$ is defined as:
$$ \langle O \rangle=\frac{\int O(p,q)f(p,q,t)dpdq}{\int f(p,q,t)dpdq} $$
where $f(p,q,t)$ is the distribution function obeying Liouville's theorem. How does this expression simplify for the microcanonical and canonical ensembles?
For the microcanonical ensemble, the probability of a system with Hamiltonian $H$ being in an energy range $[E,E+\delta E]$ is equal for all possible microstates (i.e., combinations of $p$ and $q$). So the distribution function $f$ cancels and we have:
$$ \langle O \rangle=\frac{\int_{E<H<E+\delta E} O(p,q)dpdq}{\int_{E<H<E+\delta E} dpdq} $$
For the canonical ensemble, the distribution function $f=ce^{-\beta H}$, where $c$ is a constant obtained by the normalization condition of probability distributions. Substituting this into our general ensemble average definition, you get:
$$ \langle O \rangle=\frac{\int O(p,q)e^{-\beta H}dpdq}{\int e^{-\beta H}dpdq} $$
where the integrals are over all possible values of $(p,q)$.
- Is my reasoning behind these simplifications correct?
- Is the probability distribution $f$ that I used for each ensemble the same one that is in Liouville's theorem?