It is an intriguing question if one can formally do this.
Classically the electric field might be considered as a limiting case of the electromagnetic radiation where the wavelength goes to infinity. I have answered a similar question here, where I refer to an analytic demonstration of how classical electromagnetic radiation emerges from a great ensemble of discrete photons.
Virtual photons by construction have all the attributes of real photons except the mass, which can be anything instead of zero. I do not know whether the formalism used to display the connection between classical electromagnetic waves and photon ensembles could be taken over in calculating static electric fields taking a limit of wavelength to infinity and virtual photons. Maybe you could ask the question at this site which is theoretically inclined.
A similar question on the electric field energy was asked at physics forums where the questioner had explicitly calculated the classical field energy of the electron, coming out with infinity because of the 1/r^2.
Quantum electrodynamics and perturbation expansion with renormalization techniques allow us to calculate quantities verified by experiments, ignoring the self energy problem.
Is there any way to express the field energy "in terms of" virtual photons???
Line A: Every virtual photon has energy-momentum. The EM field energy-momentum is some weighted sum over all virtual photons.
But it is not a real photon, its mass can be anything so it is not represented by a consistent four vector as particles have to be. If it is a virtual photon carrying the interaction with another charge/field it will have the energy and momentum balance, but not the mass of zero. Virtual photons exist only within specific interactions.
Line B: A photons energy-momentum is very different from the EM field energy, because T ~ FF. But what can be said about the EM T of a single photon?
see above ( I do not know what FF is)
Line C: Your choice
As I said, since the self energy is an open question as far as I know this is also an open question . Possibly for a constant electric field, an operator formalism might be possible on the lines of the link given, i.e. when the energy is not infinite as for the point particle electron.