I'm trying to solve an exercise which should be easy but I'm very rusty and I don't really know how to do it.
The exercise is the first one in this link, I have problems with the point 3 of this exercise. I'll present here a short summary of what one need to know to help me, and my attempt
Consider the following Friedmann and continuity equation
$$ H^2=8 \pi G \rho_T -\frac{k}{a^2} $$ $$ \dot{\rho}_T= - 3 H (\rho_T+p_T) $$
The possibility for the equation of state are 2:
matter: $p_m=0$
some fluid with negative pressure: $p_s=\gamma\rho_s$ with $-1\leq \gamma \leq -1/3$
After asking to find the evolution of the energy densities in the case only one of them was present, and after asking to derive the equation for $\ddot{a}$ (and both can be used for the next points) the exercise says
Having defined $\Omega_i(a)=\rho_i(a)/\rho_{cr}(a)$, $\rho_{cr}=3H^2(a)/(8\pi G)$ for $i=(m,s)$ and $1 + z = 1/a$, find an expression for the parameter $\Omega_{m,0}=\Omega_m(a=1)$ as a function of the two following quantities only:
1) $z_\star$, the redshift at which the condition $\dot{a} = \ddot{a}=0$ is satisfied (the relation between redshift and scale factor is $1 + z = 1/a$);
2) $n = 3 + 3\gamma$.
My (wrong) attempt: from the Friedmann equation and from the fact that for a general equation of state $p=w \rho$ we have $\rho \propto a^{-3(1+w)}$ I can obtain
$$ \Omega_{m,0} = (1+z)^3(1-\Omega_k) - (1+z)^{3-n} \Omega_{s,0} $$
only as a function of $n$ and not as a function of $z_\star$
So now I have basically 2 questions:
1) Can you help me solve the exercise?
2) Simultaneously with (1) can you explain a bit the physical meaning of $z_\star$ since I have never encoutered, I mean it is a redshift at which the Hubble factor is zero (since $\dot{a}=0$), what does it mean?