On page 83 of Peskin and Schroeder, they expand an interacting field $\phi(x)$ at a fixed time $t_0$ in terms of the ladder operators as $$\phi(t_0,\vec{x})=\int\frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3\sqrt{2E_{\vec{p}}}}\Big(a_{\vec{p}}e^{i\vec{p}\cdot\vec{x}}+a^\dagger_{\vec{p}}e^{-i\vec{p}\cdot\vec{x}}\Big),\tag{4.13b}$$ which is the Heisenberg picture field fixed time $t_0$ and coincides with the Schrodinger picture field.
I have three questions.
First of all, why doesn't $t_0$ appear on the right side?
Are these $a_p, a_p^\dagger$ same as those for the free field $\phi_{\rm free}$? From the discussion on page 88, it looks like $a_{\vec{p}}$ annihilates the free vacuum $|0\rangle$ (not the interacting vacuum $|\Omega\rangle$). Therefore, I think $a_p, a_p^\dagger$ are those for free theory.
Also if they use the same $a_p, a_p^\dagger$ for $\phi$ as for $\phi_{\rm free}$, this $E_{\vec{p}}$ must be different from $E^{\rm free}_{\vec{p}}$. After all, something must distinguish $\phi$ and $\phi_{\rm free}$ if not the ladder operators.