In a forced oscillation, what exactly is happening? My textbook says that: The oscillator, initially, oscillates with the natural frequency. When we apply external periodic force, the oscillation with natural frequency die out; body oscillates with the frequency of the periodic force. Also, why is the amplitude maximum when the frequency of the external force is equal to natural frequency? I can understand it mathematically.
$$ A = \frac{F_0}{\sqrt{m^2(ω_d - ω)^2 + (ω_db)^2 }}$$ where, $ω_d$ is the frequency fo the driving force
So when, $$ω_d = ω $$ $$A = \frac{F_0}{(ω_db)}$$
But can you explain what exactly is happening when the frequency of, say the swing, is the same as the frequency of the force with which my friend is pushing me? This is confusing.