In the course of doing some quantum mechanical calculation I encountered an object of the form $$Tr(\cdots)Tr(\cdots).$$ In order to simplify this, I use the fact that $$Tr(A)Tr(B)=Tr(A\otimes B).$$
Now, let us focus on the object inside the trace and forget where it came from. Suppose that both $A$ and $B$ are unitaries that acts on a linear chain of $N$ sites, each site has local Hilbert space of dimension $q$. Now suppose that both $A,B$ acts trivially on the chain, in the sense that they do not not contain any interactions. In physics notation, I would write it as $A= \prod_{r=1}^N A_r$ and everyone would understand that each $A_r$ only acts on one site, whereas the proper meaning of this is actually $A = A_1\otimes A_2\otimes ... \otimes A_N$.
Now, I would like to believe that I can write $$ A\otimes B = \prod_r (A_r\otimes B_r)$$ but I am not sure how to show that using basic properties, for example
On the other hand, the expression $$A\otimes B = A_1\otimes A_2\otimes ... \otimes A_N \otimes B_1 \otimes B_2\otimes ... \otimes B_N$$ doesnt quite make sense to me, and I do not think I can arrive to the previous expression from this one.
What is the proper way of making sense of these "2 kind" of tensor products and how to properly show this kind of relations?