In this paper, the authors consider a real scalar field theory in $d$-dimensional flat Minkowski space-time, with the action given by $$S=\int d^d\! x \left[\frac12(\partial_\mu\phi)^2-U(\phi)\right],$$ where $U(x)$ is a general self-interaction potential. Then, the authors proceed by saying that for the standard $\phi^4$ theory, the interaction potential can be written as $$U(\phi)= \frac{1}{8} \phi^2 (\phi -2)^2.$$
Why is this so? What is the significance of the cubic term present?
EDIT: Comparing with the scalar field theory the potential term involved with $\lambda$. What is the value we have inserted here?
Moreover I want to transform the potential to a new form $$U(\phi)= \frac{1}{8} \lambda(\phi ^2 -v^2)^2.$$ (I have got this from Mark Srednicki page no 576. )