I was reading the popular science book The Hidden Reality by Brian Greene. My question is about a part in the notes at the end of the book. It is chapter 8, note 9. Brian Greene describes a mathematical motivation for the probabilistic interpretation (i.e. the Born rule). He does this by defining a frequency operator and then taking the limit by increasing the number of states to infinity.
Greene also states that the majority of the terms in the expansion of $|\phi \rangle ^{\otimes n}$ must be considered as 'non-existent'. However, the challenge is understanding what this 'means', physically speaking (if it already means something at all).
I'm interested in more reading material about these topics. I'm interested in more advanced explanations in the literature (possibly by the authors mentioned by Greene in the note). However, I could not find material for this. Perhaps someone who has read the book or is knowledgeable about this topic could suggest some resources.