I've got an assignment with a given quantum state, denoted $\phi=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 1 \\ -1\end{bmatrix}$ and an operator for the observable B, given by $B=b\begin{bmatrix}0 & 2 & 0 \\ 2 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2\end{bmatrix}$
And I'm asked to find the possible measurements of B, for the quantum state $\phi$.
Now; I've tried two different methods (given by two different instructors), and I'm unsure which is correct.
Method 1
The possible measurements of B should be given by the product $B|\phi\rangle$, which yields the vector
$B|\phi\rangle=\begin{bmatrix}b\sqrt{2} \\ 0 \\ -b\sqrt{2}\end{bmatrix}$
Which then indicates that the possible values of a measurement of B are $b$ and $-b$ and their respective chances are $(\sqrt{2})^2=\frac{1}{2}=50$% each.
Method 2 - and here there's a problem...
The possible measurements of B are its eigenvalues; I find the eigenvalues of B, given by the characteristic polynomial, and get $\lambda = -2b,2b,2b$ (note the degeneracy), with respective eigenvectors
$v_1 = \begin{bmatrix}-1 \\ 1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix}, v_2 = \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 0 \\ 1\end{bmatrix}, v_3 = \begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 1 \\ 0\end{bmatrix}$
I express the state $\phi$ as a linearcombination of these. It's $\phi=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bigg(\frac{1}{2} v_1+\frac{1}{2} v_3 - 1v_2\bigg)$
The chances for each individual eigenvalue $B=\lambda_n$ are the norm-squares of the coefficients for the corresponding eigenvector, in the linearcombination for $\phi$. I.e. The chance to get $B=\lambda_1=-b$ should be
And now you can probably already see my problem, because the chances don't seem to add up. $\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{8}+\frac{1}{2}\neq 1.0$
And the strangest thing is, for another, similar assignment, with the observable $L_z$ and a different quantum states, I used both methods and they yielded exact same results.
However; my idea is that the problem arises from the degeneracy of B's eigenvalues? The other problem (where both methods worked) did not have degeneracies in the eigenvalues for the matrix $[L_z]$