I have a sample of U-238 of which my Geiger counter detects beta activity at 700 events per second. Based on the counter's efficiency of 98.6% for U-238, the activity would be about 710 becquerels, I think. Here I am going off of my understanding based on explanations from many different people.
From here I have figured I would just convert the beta energy in MeV to joules and then multiply it by the corrected activity (710Bq) to obtain the absolute absorbed energy per second. This is great and all and when considering the mass of the object absorbing the energy, we can get the number of Gy absorbed by an object.
What I want is the equivalent dose in sieverts per hour. I understand there are many weight factors for different types of tissues and all that. But, there is a lot of misinformation floating around on the Internet about the calculations.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to go about calculating this?