I have read this question:
When light reflects off a mirror, does the wave function collapse?
where dmckee says:
Now, even giving a precise statement of what makes a "measurement" is non trivial, but a starting place is that a measurement leaves a record. Coherent reflection form a mirror generally does not leave a record.
where S. McGrew says:
The answer is that the photon does not change the state of the mirror. After the photon has been reflected, the mirror is unchanged. There is no way to prove that the photon struck the mirror without also detecting the photon's path downstream.
Why is quantum entanglement considered to be an active link between particles?
where Luboš Motl says:
But this step, in which the original overall probabilities for the second particle were replaced by the conditional probabilities that take the known outcome involving the first particle into account, is just a change of our knowledge - not a remote influence of one particle on the other.
where Ruben Verresen says:
a superposition is destroyed/decohered when information has leaked out. In this setting that would mean that if by measuring, say, the momentum of the Stern-Gerlach machine you could figure out whether the spin had curved upwards or downwards, then the quantum superposition between up and down would have been destroyed.
Now this is in contradiction with radiation pressure, and the way solar sails work. The mirror gets a recoil from the reflecting (elastically scattered) photons, and that is detectable, measurable, because it is a change in the mirror's (sail) momentum vector.
Radiation pressure is the pressure exerted upon any surface due to the exchange of momentum between the object and the electromagnetic field. This includes the momentum of light or electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength which is absorbed, reflected, or otherwise emitted (e.g. black-body radiation) by matter on any scale (from macroscopic objects to dust particles to gas molecules).1[2][3]
Do photons attenuate when they reflect?
Thus it has to collapse the wavefunction. The signal photon goes to the mirror, reflects and goes through slit 1 and 2 and goes to screen1. The idler goes directly to slit3 and 4 and to screen2. The two photons in this case have a common wavefunction (entangled), and in this case I will either:
see an interference pattern on screen1 and screen2 (coherent reflection does not change the state of the mirror), because the common wavefunction is not changed
will not see an interference pattern on screen1 and screen2 (because of radiation pressure, the change in the mirror's momentum is detectable, measurable), and the common wavefunction is changed
- Will there be an interference pattern on screen1 and screen2?