In a theoretical physics homework problem, I have to show the following: $$\partial_\nu T^{\mu\nu} = - j_\nu F^{\mu\nu}$$
Where $T$ is the Energy-Momentum-Tensor, $j$ the generalized current and $F$ the Field-Tensor. We use the $g$ for the metric tensor, I think in English the $\eta$ is more common.
I know the following relationships:
Current and magnetic potential with Lorenz gauge condition: $$\mathop\Box A^\mu = \mu_0 j^\mu$$
Energy-Momentum-Tensor: $$T^{\mu\nu} = \frac1{\mu_0} g^{\mu\alpha} F_{\alpha\beta} F^{\beta\nu} + \frac1{4\mu_0} g^{\mu\nu} F_{\kappa\lambda} F^{\kappa\lambda}$$
Field-Tensor: $$F^{\mu\nu} = 2 \partial^{[\mu} A^{\nu]} = \partial^{\mu} A^{\nu} - \partial^{\nu} A^{\mu}$$
d'Alembert operator: $$\mathop\Box = \partial_\mu \partial^\mu$$
Bianchi identity: $$\partial^{[\mu} F^{\nu\alpha]} = 0$$
So far I have set all the definitions into the formula I have to show, but I only end up a lot of terms from antisymmetrisation and product rule. I also drew all what I have in Penrose graphical notation, but I still cannot see how to tackle this problem.
Could somebody please give me a hint into the right direction?